Thread: Strawberries!
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Old 18-06-2005, 12:41 AM
Posts: n/a

I got some strawberry plants off a work colleague a couple of years ago.
Last summer I only got about a dozen(!) berries so this year I got a big
strawberry pot, planted last years plants and bought more to fill all the
holes. At this point there is hoardes of leaves and quite a few shooters
sprouting out but there were not so many flowers.

Does this mean that, again, there will not be a decent crop or is there
anything I can do now to increase the yield?

I fruit per flower. Maximum. Of course you won't get a fruit from every
flower for various reasons.

It's a bit late to do anything for this year now, and I'm not sure what
you'd do anyway, maybe you've got a variety that doesn't flower profusely.
Ask the colleague you got them from how theirs are doing. Or you may have
left it too late this time and the plants are only just establishing, in
which case next year could well be better. When did you plant them?

I suppose I'll make do with a low yield this year. I think it was around
April when I potted them.

Once they have finished do they just get left or do you cut them back? And
if so, do you cut them 'right' back??