"Connor T" wrote in message
I got some strawberry plants off a work colleague a couple of years ago.
Last summer I only got about a dozen(!) berries so this year I got a big
strawberry pot, planted last years plants and bought more to fill all the
holes. At this point there is hoardes of leaves and quite a few shooters
sprouting out but there were not so many flowers.
Does this mean that, again, there will not be a decent crop or is there
anything I can do now to increase the yield?
What have you been feeding them? ( If anything )
If you've been using the wrong feed, or the ground is high in N then this
will encourage leafy growth ( as you describe ) at the expense of
you could try feeding with a high potash feed ( K ) but it does sound too
late now..
Haven't been using any feed - my mate said they were growing vigorously in
his garden with just water!
I'll try the potash next year, thanks!