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Old 17-06-2005, 11:21 PM
Posts: n/a

On 17/6/05 20:50, in article , "Janet
Baraclough" wrote:

The message . com
from "CECI" contains these words:

Hi Kate

Mile a minute will cover it within the year and if you don't like it,
just cut it at the root and it will just die back.

That is mistaken, mile- a minute (russian vine/polygonum
baldshuanicum) is far harder to kill than you suggest. If you cut it off
at the roots, the stump will regrow or suckers will grow from the roots.

And even more vigorously, IME. Do NOT plant this thing to cover a pergola.
Not. Ever! It is impossible to describe its properties to anyone who hasn't
seen it in action - thug doesn't even begin to describe it. Buy some of
that brush type cover and put it over the pergola while honeysuckle and
roses grow up it in their own good time, and leave those as a happy legacy
for the owners who come after you.

(remove the weeds for email)