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Old 24-10-2002, 06:55 AM
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Default First snow of the winter.

From: "Alison"
Subject: First snow of the winter.

Well I'm testing out a piece of folklore. Apparently, the longer the
berries stay on the trees, the harder the winter will be. Now in 2000,
Rowans still had many beries well into Nov and that winter was mega
hard -
like permafrost for 4 months:-( Last year I didn't notice much cos I
away before daylight and back after 'sunset'. This year, as you say
the birds have finished all our berries already. Could this be a sign
of a
mild one?????

The local lore here on the Black Isle is the *more* berries on the
rowan trees, the harder the winter. Since we have masses of berries,
and they are still on the trees, it doesn't sound too promising! After
two frosty nights (Ben Wyvis now covered with snow), we were lashed by
two days of non-stop rain and gales. Maybe now the midges are well and
truly gone for a few months.
