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Old 16-06-2005, 11:37 PM
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Default Sani-Tred coatings.. &..burial vaults for holding tanks

Seems like the polyurea bunch are gong head to head with the DIY'ers
that have been using the Sani Tred rubberized coatings. Polyurea
rewquires specialized equipment to apply, but Sani-Tred only rewquires
a brush or roller and it has a lot of advantages over the Polyurea in
a lot of applications. I f you have a gunite or concrete or block
wall pond and it needs sealing it may be worth your while to check it
out. I just finished coating three burial vaults which are going to
become my new holding tanks with the Sani tred, and they look super.
Already have water in them and fish, Went after a septic tank, but
the place that makes the burial vaults and septic tanks told me he
could give me a super deal on some damaged burial vaults. $30 each.
and they delivered them......and after reading about the liquid rubber
sealer that Sani Tred has which will effectively seal large cracks I
said why not, the price was right. I filled the cracks with hydraulic
cement after channeling it out a bit wider, and once it set up applied
the sani tred material... I got this idea from an individual on anothe
rforum who is using it to coat his new gunite pond.........

Have the "vaults" plumbed up and utilize flow through filtration.,
that is powered by sequence brand pumps and a huge trickle tower, with
a 200 gal stock tank used for a settlement tank and veggie filter.

Put some color in your naked!
"The original frugal ponder"
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