The message
from "IanG" contains these words:
The house I have moved into has an old damson tree in the garden. I would
like to replace it with something smaller and more in keeing with the
garden. I have found that you get a lot of shooting coming up from the
roots, if I cut it down will these shoots over run my garden? Will I have
to dig all the roots up? Old tree not fesable? Any advice would be great.
A damson tree is something to die for.
However, if you *MUST* get rid of it, wait till autumn, dig it out with
a VAST earthball still attached to the roots and bring it round here for
me to dispose of. I'll dig a hole to bury it in...
Mmmmm. Damson jam!
Mmmmmmm! Damson wine!
Mmmmmmmmm! Freshly-picked sun-warmed damsons!
Mmmmmmmmmmm! Damson crumble!
The thought of that tree being destroyed has quite ruined my day.
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.