"andrewpreece" wrote in message
"steve griff" wrote in message
Hi.. having just moved to a new house and inherited some very nice
farely young plants/shrubs/trees... I need to find out what they are..
if you go to
you'll see photo's.. any help would be greatly appreciated.. you could
reply via this forum or even the webpage photo album as linked to
steve griff
1 Aucuba Japonica
2 Euonymus?
6 Skimmia?
8 Bamboo? or Japanese Maple?
12 Phormium or possibly a Cordyline
17 Mahonia
1 Acuba
2 Photinia
5 Euonymus
6 Skimmia
7 Fatsia
9 Betula (Birch)
11 Callisemon
12 Phormiun and Euonymus
13 Phormiun and Euonymus and Cornus alba
14 Cornus alba
16 Acuba ?
17 Mahonia
Steve ~ it would help if all the pictures were the right way up please ???
Anyway hope my ideas help,
Chris from Somerset