Thread: sweet peas
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Old 14-06-2005, 11:38 AM
Janet Tweedy
Posts: n/a

In article , Padger

Peas - sweet or edible do not benefit from being transplanted, potted on,
They will thrive if planted in their final positions at the outset -
assuming the conditions are right.
Toilet roll cores - useful on the compost heap perhaps !!
I would chuck the whole lot on the compost and start again.


What a load of codswallop! The top growers of sweetpeas in this country set
the seeds in pots often in October, sometimes Jan/Feb depending on area.
When transplanting from the pot you can check the root system for health
etc. before committing to the ground which should have been prepared by Xmas
time at latest.
There is nothing wrong either in sowing seeds in situ in spring but you may
not get 100%.
Best advice I can offer is get hold of a copy 'Sweetpeas, the complete
guide' by the acknowledged master on sweetpeas, the late Bernard R. Jones.
Probably out of print now but try your local library or maybe Amazon.
Follow the advice within and you will have the best sweetpeas in your

I buy seed from matthewman as they stock the old fashioned heavily
perfumed types. They have a really good little leaflet about growing
them which comes with the order.
Lovely little brown envelope seed packets too, printed by 'proper'
printing judging by the indentations

Worth investigating if you like scented sweet peas.

Janet Tweedy
Dalmatian Telegraph