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Old 14-06-2005, 10:43 AM
Tiger303 Tiger303 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2003
Location: Manchester
Posts: 139

Originally Posted by andrewpreece
"The pruning aspect is harder. I read that serious
Delphinium growers only allow one flower spike in year one, three in
year two, and five in year three or somesuch, so as to allow the plant
to achieve its full potential, but I just let them flower as they want.
only 4 feet tall tall though, so aren't terribly tall by Delphinium
cheers andy, like yours mine are nearly 4 feet tall, however there are 3 main flower spikes which still look lovely despite the rain and the fact that they're past their best. only bought it this year, but as for whether its a 1 or 2 year old plant i have no idea. guessing two, due to the 3 main stems and looks to bushy to be just 1 year old.

will prune hard soonish