"John K" wrote in message
A Menzies wrote:
We have had 2 different sets of advice, one to concrete in the log roll
the way around the edge, the other to use fixing posts about every 3 ft.
edge will be straight, the other will be curved. Anyone any experience
putting this in? What worked, didn't work, for you?
Thanks for any replies
I've used a lot of log roll this year in heavy clay - used fixing pins
(plastic coated steel, to which the roll is nailed or screwed) about
every metre - I've used it to edge a curved, sloping path. The pins are
quite long - about 3 times the height of the roll.
John K - for direct email insert "2" before "@"
I dipped mine in preservative before using it. I chosen the slightly
method of getting log roll twice the height I wanted projecting out of the
dug a small trench, and buried it nearly up to half its height. I then
tapped down
the roll a final inch or so to level all the logs, and fix it more securely
in its trench.
It works fine on clay soil.