CECI wrote:
Just joined this group and have looked at the photos and they are very
like suckers from a cherry or plum tree.. I had problems with these a
couple of years ago and only got rid of them by resorting to a spot
weed killer. Hope this is useful.
Keep growing!
Thanks everyone for your response.
I'm now pretty sure that its a cherry tree sucker as I did a google
image search and the resulting "sucker" photo looks similar to the image
I posted.
In case you are interested I have posted an image of where I found the
sucker (see upturned pot near path) and the neighbours tree at bottom
of garden a distance from pot to trunk of about 10-12 feet.
I have disposed of the "sucker" as there are enough tree and shrub roots
in my garden already.
In the 30 years I have known the tree this is the first time I have
noticed these "suckers" in my garden.