"Kay" wrote in message
In article , RichardS
Now, to encourage him/her to stick around we'll put out some supplemental
food - tinned dog food is normally recommended (and if we can find
that the cat doesn't like then so much the better).
Cat food rather than dogfood - it's reputedly better quality with higher
meat content (cats are fussier than dogs) Put a box over it with a
hedgehog-sized hole, and a weight on top to stop it being moved - I
knocked together a box from wood which i weighted down with a brick. The
cat will do its utmost to stretch its paw inside and scoop out the food,
so make sure the box is big enough.
CJ Birdfoods sell a dried hedgehog food which cats don't like. Not sure
that its immune from birds, though.
To see shat actually gets your hog food, you can make a 'footprint trap'
by using a candle to smoke a sheet of aluminium foil and placing the
food on that. In the morning you will have an array of footprints, slug
tracks, and slithery marks from contorting cats.
I'm sure I've read that
fish-based foods must be completely avoided, but the St Tiggiwinkles site
didn't say anything on that issue. Anyone know?
Yes, avoid fish. Not sure why, but avoid the fish based cat foods.
Also provide clean drinking water especially during dry spells.