Lawns info for gardening muppet!
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13-06-2005, 08:33 PM
Registered User
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2004
Posts: 83
[quote=Sue Begg]In message , Adam
It will grow around 3 inches per week, and if left uncut will grown
to a height of, probably, around 4 or 5 feet tall.
Im not an expert but it does sound like you have a lot of coarse "weed" grasses. I find the non-desirable grasses out grow the fine grasses easily, unless you regularly mow. Usually a mow once a week will keep a utlity grade lawn in check.
I suggest you investigate what type of grasses you have and what the general state is, The lawn expert by DG Hessayon is good starter.
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