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Old 13-06-2005, 03:59 PM
Sue Begg
Posts: n/a

In message , Adam
I'm not particularly green fingered, however I have a pretty large garden,
most of which is on a hill, and most of which is converted in grass.

Our main "lawn" (a bit which isn't on a steep hill) is really getting me
down. It will grow around 3 inches per week, and if left uncut will grown
to a height of, probably, around 4 or 5 feet tall. Cutting it is a pain
because I either leave it too long, and have to use a strimmer, or, if I cut
it weekly, it's so full of ant mounds, that it's difficult to cut (not to
mention that it's on a slope). Also, I only get time to cut it on the
weekend, so if we have a wet weekend, all I can do it look out of the window
and watch it grow :-)

My problem is that I don't know enough about grass to know if it usually
grows like this, or whether we've just got some type of wild grass. In my
dreams I have a lawn which doesn't need cutting every week, and even if I
don't cut it, won't grow more than a few inches.

If I'm being lazy, and all lawns grow like this, then fair enough, but if
I'm not, I'd really like to dig it all up, and re-seed it with "normal"
grass (whatever that is!).

Can anyone give me any advice? Am I just being lazy, or could I re-seed it
with "slow growing" grass?! - Will grass normally grow to several feet if
left alone, or do some types of grass only grow to a maximum of a few

Sorry about this being such a basic question! - But I'd really like to be
able to enjoy my garden without feeling that I should spend my time mowing
lawns whenever it's nice enough to sit out in it!


This time of the year I try to cut mine twice a week. Unfortunately the
weather does not always co-operate :-(

I have heard of 'miniature' grasses being advertised but have never
tried them or heard of anyone using them.
I understand that Camomile is supposed to stay fairly short but I think
that if you have grass then you are tied to cutting it.

Is it worth paying someone to give it a cut during the week if the
weather is right? It shouldn't cost a lot and would improve your
enjoyment of the garden.
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