Rosa Banksii Lutea
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11-06-2005, 11:04 AM
Posts: n/a
On 11/6/05 0:39, in article
, "Darling Buds"
"Darling Buds" wrote in message
We bought this rose 2 years ago and its doing extremely well indeed. Well
the leaves that is, it doesn't seem to want to flower at all.
its a climbing rose with masses of small double yellow flowers in May but
in the last 2 years it hasn't flowered at all.
Does anyone have any ideas why?
Many thanks
Many thanks for the replies
Hope you'll let us know how it gets on. Which particular 'fault' do you
think your rose has or has suffered from? Pruning, over-feeding, too much
water, or just being a sulky adolescent? ;-) It might help others in the
future to know what your own experience is.
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)
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