On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 13:43:09 +0100, JB
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 08:15:13 -0400, "Harold Walker"
Do you grow in a greenhouse?....might sound like a stupid question but when
I had a greenhouse five years ago I used to sow my seeds in the
October/November time frame so that I could be picking around
Feb./March.....because the daylight hours were limited to nine hours per
day in mid winter used a growlight prior to dawn and after dusk to 'lenghten
the day'......have just sown some seeds for a late crop to start picking
around October and into the winter months.....will be grown outdoors in pots
and then into the cellar in September under lights.....H
Did you find that cost effective? I tried growing under artificial
lights but decided that the cost of the kit an electricity didn't
justify the extra early and late crops.
Interesting point though - can home grown veg ever be cost effective?
For sure, the material costs don't often amount to much ( seeds,
potting compost etc. ), but in terms of 'man hours' the old scales
must surely tip in the balance.
Stephen Howard - Woodwind repairs & period restorations
Emails to: showard{whoisat}shwoodwind{dot}co{dot}uk