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Old 09-06-2005, 03:43 PM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a

The message
from Kay contains these words:

Did you grow it from seed? Berberis is notoriously difficult to strike
from a cutting, and I've had a layer pegged down for a year and it
hasn't made any root...

No - my husband retrieved it from a garden centre - it was lying under a
bench looking very sorry for itself, and they let him have it free.

Hmmmm. Must go and hide one up...

Went out today to pick some elderflowers to add to the rhubarb cordial
and found some interesting stones (1 sort-of fossilised squished sea
urchin and others just suitable for use on bonsai trays), two small
oaks, 10 hawthorn seedlings and some sloe suckers.

Oh, and quite accidentally, a tiny greater stitchwort seedling came back
with them, and when it's established in its pot I'll release it amongst
the cowslips, oxslip, toadflax, wild strawberries, meadowsweet, ransomes
etc in the front garden.

Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.