Thread: Garlic
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Old 08-06-2005, 10:59 PM
Tricia Weston
Posts: n/a

In article jj3ea19gtqlnn6p48apihmrir4n21p1cgg@, says...

average sized from a garden centre. I'll wait a little longer but
once the plant is turning yellow are they likely to grow more?

Sorry, no solutions, but I would like to add to the
discussion on garlic which doesn't seem to be producing
cloves. Usually I have autumn planted supermarket
garlic cloves and harvested a small crop in summer.
Last autumn I invested in cloves from a garden centre,
Dobbies I think, with a label which described them as
strong flavoured and a name like Crisp. The plants
look very healthy with a tall thick stem, but when
harvested just have a single bulb - in fact they look
more like leeks than garlic. Could it be weather
conditions here don't suit this particular type??

Tricia, Scotland