Privet hedge and camoflauge
I have a high (about 12 ft) and wide (very, in places) privet hedge between my
neighbours house and mine. I wish to split it pretty much down the middle to
regain garden space. By the way it is the neighbour's hedge in that the roots
are on his side but we each look after our own bit and reach as far as we can to
meet in the middle.
However in one place it is quite thin as it is in the shade of my house, and if
I split it then I would like to put up something to maintain my privacy as it
regrows. I was thinking of a sort of camoflauge netting, maybe even with
patterns woven in from sacking etc. My concern is that the hedge will have
enough light to re-grow, and that my neighbour won't have to see all the comings
and goings on our side. He is more sensitive to this than we are to his seeing
Any ideas from the group