The message
from mbwest contains these words:
Good Morning,
My problem is: I am hoping to plant some grass and grow a good looking
even lawn but previously the soil had rock cemented over it and over
the years and after removing the cemented rock many small rocks have
been mixed into the soil it also contain many pieces of small plastic,
glass and metal. What is the quickest way to get rid of this?
Apart from hiring a mechanical riddle, it means a lot of hard and
time-consuming work, I'm afraid.
Whereabouts are you? Is the rock natural, or old builders' rubble? Is
the area free-draining? Is the soil light and sandy, loam, or heavy, or
aren't big rocks that you can pick up in handfulls, they are mainly
small and mixed in with the earth, LOTS of rocks. Does it realy matter
as long as i get rid of most of it? any ideas?
Assuming the area is reasonably free-draining and the soil is not too
heavy, what I'd do would be to buy a large sieve/riddle and a length of
heavy black plastic. (Builders' merchant or good ironmonger.)
Dig a strip out and pile the spoil in front, making a heap of any roots
&c, which you can compost. I think you'll find details of composting in
the faq,
_______/ \_ ________
Pick out as many of the stones/rubble as you can and lob most of it in
the trench, collecting plastic and glass for disposal or recycling.
Lay the plastic sheet somewhere convenient, and sieve the soil on to it,
throwing the spoil in the trench. Cover spoil with sieved soil and move
the trench along, repeating the process until you have done the whole
Seed it and rake it level. You may need to criss-cross the area with
stretched strands of black thread, old CDs, suspended, and other bird
deterrents, or persuade a cat to sit in the middle.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, more details below...
Yers. If you put as much energy into doing the job, you should have it
done tomorrow...
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.