I know it's late but....
"cormaic" wrote in message
'Twas Sat, 19 Oct 2002 10:12:05 +0100, when "Michael Anderson"
enriched all our lives with these
worthy thoughts:
Advice from several people with varying degrees of gardening experience
mentioned that the seed should be ok if the average temperature is above
5 -
6 degree C. As the days are getting noticably colder I was wondering if
would be a good idea to lay sheets of polythene (sp?) on the lawn to keep
some heat in to aid the sowing process.
It won't retain heat - it'll retain damp and cause the seed to
rot. It's too late to sow a decent lawn in the UK now; leave it until
next spring. If you desperately need grass to cover the ground, use
Luckily, my grass seed didnt see that, as it didnt rot but sprouted. The
polythene was over it for 11 days, I removed it once the grass was about 1/2
to 1 inch high (last Thursday).
Remove my socks before replying (but no email reply necessary to newsgroups)