"Mike" wrote in message
In Britain only females have a fanny.
Barrowcloth shows her ignorance again. The Senior Service used the Rum
for the issue of the Tot of Rum
It is better to look a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt
You beat me on that one me laddo.....that indeed was a very useful
Fanny....many a time did I make good use of it......pity Lady So and So had
her way in abolishing such a good morning daily 'routine'...I remember well
having my first tot in Cape Town....and of course had numerous sippers to
celebrate my birthday...so many in fact that I was put oin front of the
Officer of the Day for being absent from duty that afternoon...not fit for
flying duty....got thirty days stoppage of leave...lucky for me the carrier
sailed two days later so most of my stoppage was aboard ship....H