Steve Harris wrote in message ...
I'm wondering what sort of apple tree(s) to buy.
My garden in Gloucestershire has an 8' wall facing SW. It gets afternoon
sun. I like the idea of planting against it and perhaps pruning it to
keep it below the top.
I enjoy english grown Cox in season and occasionally find a nice acid
Granny Smith in Tesco. Spartan's are quite good.
A variety that would give me fruit when the shops only have insipid
imported apples would be excellent.
So the questions?
1. What variety should I get?
There are lots of apple days around the country going on
now. Find a local one and do some tasting- but be aware
that some apples are not yet in season, and some are already
finished. The people holding the apple day will probably
be very informative.
Here's my selection:
2. Best planting time?
Anytime when the leaves are off and the ground isn't frozen.
Buying bare-root trees will allow you a much wider choice than
pot-grown. Pot-grown trees can be planted all year round.
3. Do I have to have at least 2 trees to make pollination work?
Yes, unless one of your neighbours has apple trees flowering
at the right time. You can use a crab apple- and there are some
very small & very decorative ones- as a pollinator.