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Old 06-06-2005, 01:57 PM
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Default Foxgloves: prolific self-seeders?

On a large property I have about a dozen foxglove plants at the moment,
all with dark purple flowers and they are beautiful and charming. They
popped up in various places in the early spring along with the weeds and
I plucked many out recognising them immediately, but I left those that
had appeared in attractive or bare positions.

This weekend the previous owner revisited and warned that if I don't
pull this dozen out immediately, the whole property will be covered with
them next year. He says that he spent years trying to get rid of them.
How true is it that they will become a frightful nuisance?

As I drive along country roads and lanes I see a few here and there,
never more than a dozen every half mile or so. If it were true that
they can run riot, I can't see why the verges aren't full of them.