The show was Garden Invaders and the gas lamps in question look very similar
to the Bamboo style i.e. they are on long stakes with a chamber at the top.
I have looked at the web site for Garden Invaders but there are no supplier
lists that I can find!
"Jim W" wrote in message
Richard Nicholls wrote:
I recently saw on a BBC TV show some gas lanterns. They were highly
aluminium and were the type that staked into the ground.
Does anyone have any idea where I can get some of these from?
Probably just one of the 'garden lighting' suppliers.. try the google
If you can rememeber which BBC show it was they ususally have suppliers
listed on the shows website, which you can find via
Alternativley you could try
Sugg Lighting Ltd
Sussex Manor Business Park
Gatwick Road
Crawley W. Sussex
RH10 2GD
0293 540 111
They even have a website!-)
They provide gas lighting for councils, attractions (London Dungeon etc)
and a full variety of repro and more modern style lights for both gas
and electric..