On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 09:30:25 +0100, "Willobie"
I have a 4-year old erica lusitanica with a main stem which is now reaching
4ft tall. I would like to reduce the height by about 50%. but my book says
I shouldn't cut into the old wood... There is plenty of new growth at the
bottom and I thought that cutting back the main stem might improve the shape
(make it more bushy). Can I do this and, if so, when is the best time -
it's just finished flowering...
I didn't know this plant. Google's first entry had it under weeds but
I guess that was in USA!
If it's got new growth at the bottom, you could presumably do as you
suggest and cut back the main stem. I should think now is just right.
One web site mentioned Sheffield Park, so I guess it must be like
other ericas, needing acid soil, so a good dose of some suitlable feed
after the chop would be a good idea too.
Pam in Bristol