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Old 15-10-2002, 04:02 PM
Emrys Davies
Posts: n/a
Default clematis. hardwood cuttings


August or September are the best months for leaf-bud cuttings of
clematis but you still stand a good chance of success now.

1. Cut off a strong shoot with several leaves.
2. Make a clean cut immediately above the bud that
rests in the leaf axil.
3. Cut straight across the stem about 1½" below the
leaf bud.
4. Place the cutting in an equal mixture (by volume) of
compost and perlite with the bud level with the
5. Water well, drain and stand in a propagator, on a
heated bench or on the greenhouse staging. If you
have no greenhouse a cold frame will do.
6. Shield from hot sun and spray with a fine spray
regularly. Failing this, a plastic bag over the top of
the cuttings will retain humidity. Make a little tent
over the pot with the use of twigs and an elastic

Good luck,
Emrys Davies.

ol Russell" wrote in message
Can I take hardwood cuttings of clematis tang'. I ask because although

propagate quite a lot I can never root clematis cuttings by the usual


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