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Old 04-06-2005, 02:25 AM
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"DE" wrote in message
Courageous wrote:
Is it possible you can do this for rec.ponds? Perhaps we can have two

groups - one where those who don't mind trolls can post, and one

Is that possible?

Someone needs to look into newsgroup formation. I'm not sure, but I

think one can simply change a group to moderated status.

Keep in mind that moderation doesn't have to introduce difficulty to

the group. Usually the way it works is that newcomers, who want to post,
have to have several of their posts approved by one of a group of

Once this happens, all posts are automatically approved.


You're full of it, you know nothing about actual newsgroup moderation,
even less about auto-moderation.

All that is needed here is for ONE PERSON -- YOU -- to SHUT UP.

## Now you're SHRIEKING your insults at Courageous???? What the hell did he
do to you? You can't tell one poster from another and yet have the gall to
claim everyone else can!!!!

I don't think everyone in rec.ponds is willing to go through the
newsgroup creation process in the rec hierarchy, no less move to
posting to a new group, just to get rid of ONE TROLL, when the answer
is so easy: Carol, SHUT UP and that is all it takes.

## No DE - YOU SHOULD SHUT UP = You can't tell one poster from another.
Courageous and I am not the same person. No wonder you think all Jabber's
inane posts with forged headers are mine! You don't know what you're
talking about!

SHUT UP, Carol.

## WHY? Because you can't tell one poster from another, on another NG you
know nothing about no less?

Talk about PONDS in rec.ponds, period, nothing else,

## You still run your mouth after claiming everyone is smart enough to know
Jab's forgeries - and YOU don't even know them!!!! Why don't YOU just talk
about newsservers here instead of feeding this troll over and over again?

no response to Jabriol and he will go away,

## Then why do you keep responding to him? What is your motive? Where have
I responded to him? You haven't produced one post yet you accuse and rant
and rave and shriek.....

and then people MIGHT
start reading your posts again ... maybe ... if you haven't already
made everyone so nauseous by your inability to control yourself for a
second that they can't stand to read anything you write anymore.

## You would make anyone nauseous with your repetitious, redundant broken
record posts trying to keep this going so you can get your rocks off every

What, are you 2 years old, that you have NO IMPULSE CONTROL?

## What, are you 2 years old, that you have NO IMPULSE CONTROL and must get
your jollies this way?

AUK added as you're headed for some kind of award for persistent
insistent infinite cluelessness.

## Keep adding NGs, that's what trolls do....... maybe you and your new
friend should get a room together. :-))
