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Old 03-06-2005, 07:48 PM
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Pam Moore wrote:

On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 09:27:03 +0100, Broadback

Summer is almost on us (though it looks as though a frost is possible on
Monday) and if the forecasters are correct then it will be long and hot.
So what waste water is or is not acceptable to the garden? Will
soap, detergent, washing powder biological/non-biological, bath and
shower products render it useless? Any advice welcomed, by me and
perhaps many others.

I have a water meter.
I keep a bucket in the kitchen and pour in washing-up water, for use
on the garden,
I have a long pipe with a syphon and drain off my bath water in hot

Going off on a tangent, but on the same theme, I have a reduction on
my sewage bill because I told the water board that in summer a lot of
my waste water goes on the garden.
I learned about this years ago in some magazine article by Peter
Seabrook. He stated that he has 2 water meters, one for house and one
for garden, and paid no sewage rates on the garden water.
I contacted my suppliers (Bristol Water and Wessex) and was sent a
form to fill in about my water use. They then gave me about 20%
reduction on sewage.
Worth a try!

Pam in Bristol

Thank you for all the answers, I have a septic tank so have no sewage
rates and do not use biological powders or bleach. As I live in a
bungalow it will be a difficult job to save the bathwater, though my
father used to bucket it out, I'm not that keen! However if things get
tight this summer I may well do that, or buy a pump and pump it out.
Though as the shower is used far more than the bath even that may not be