Thread: Hawthorne
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Old 30-09-2002, 07:36 AM
Alan Gould
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Default Hawthorne

In article ,
Drakanthus writes
Anyone know how to propagate from seed?
I've tried several times over the last few years from ripe berries picked
from hedgerows and I've never had a single seedling come up!
Self-set hawthorne seem to crop up where birds roost (or poo) - is this a
clue? I'm beginning to suspect there may be another element needed - such as
the berries passing through a bird first?
How are they propagated commercially?

According to Sanders Enc., Common Hawthorn - Crataegus oxycantha, can be
propagated from seed, but the berries need to be stored in sand for a
year before sowing.

Commercial growers probably use chip-budding as described in RHS Enc.

Alan & Joan Gould, North Lincs.