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Old 02-06-2005, 11:45 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a

Chris J Dixon wrote:
:: Phil L wrote:
::: wrote:
::::: I want to put a shed in the garden. Just a small one, probably
::::: about 6' by 8'. As far as I can make out such a structure would
::::: be exempt from building control under schedule 2 - Exempt
::::: building and work. It would appear to come under class VI -
::::: small detached buildings. The relevant section stating:
::::: CLASS VI
::::: Small detached buildings
::::: 1. A detached single story building, having a floor area which
::::: does not exceed 30m2, which contains no sleeping accommodation
::::: and is a building-
::::: (a) no point of which is less than one metre from the boundary
::::: of its curtilage; or
::::: (b) which is constructed substantially of non-combustible
::::: material.
::: If it's a timber shed, then you can put it where you like, if
::: it's a brick built single skinned shed, then it has to go at
::: least 1 metre from your boundary fence.
:: That seems to be exactly the opposite of what section 1 above
:: states.
Section 1 deals with buildings, as do all the other sections! a temporary
structure is not a building, like a marquee, tent or dog kennel, a wooden
shed requires no building regulations, plans or anything else.

If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs.