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Old 30-09-2002, 12:33 AM
Tristan Hatton-Ellis
Posts: n/a
Default Pruning Japanese Maple

On 29/9/02 1:23 pm, in article
, "'Mungo'"

Tristan. If your maple is Acer palmatum you really shouldn't prune it, ever!
You will do it more harm than good. A. palmatums in particular are very
prone to leaf scorch by the sun. Always keep your tree in the shade,
especially during the hottest part of the summer. Don't worry about the
damaged leaves this year, your plant will recover.

"Tristan Hatton-Ellis" wrote in message:
I have a Japanese Maple in a pot, which got rather damaged due to wind

last summer. I'd also like to give the plant a light prune to get it
back into shape. Any thoughts about when might be the best time - now,

drmant. or in spring?


Thanks for the advice. It is indeed Acer palmatum. The leaf scorch actually
occurred last summer and resulted in a bit of dieback at the tips as well.
It has recovered well this year but there are one or two dead branches and
the tree as a whole has a rather unattractive shape (unusual in A.
palmatum). I was really just thinking along the lines of a light prune to
encourage bushy growth, not a wholesale hack back!

I should also say that the tree is still quite young (about 3' high)
