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Old 02-06-2005, 04:05 PM
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Default Siting a Shed - Building Regs

I want to put a shed in the garden. Just a small one, probably about
6' by 8'. As far as I can make out such a structure would be exempt
from building control under schedule 2 - Exempt building and work. It
would appear to come under class VI - small detached buildings. The
relevant section stating:


Small detached buildings

1. A detached single story building, having a floor area which does not
exceed 30m2, which contains no sleeping accommodation and is a
(a) no point of which is less than one metre from the boundary of its
curtilage; or
(b) which is constructed substantially of non-combustible material.

2. A detached building designed and intended to shelter people from the
effects of nuclear, chemical or conventional weapons, and not used for
any other purpose, if-
(a) its floor area does not exceed 30m2; and
(b) the excavation for the building is no closer to any exposed part of
another building or structure than a distance equal to the depth of the
excavation plus one metre.

3. A detached building, having a floor area which does not exceed 15m2,
which contains no sleeping accommodation

A 6' x 8' shed would therefore come under subsection 3, being a
detached building with a floor area of less than 15m^2. If it comes
under subsection 3 then there is no restriction on location. Of course
it also matches the description of subsection 1, a detached building
with a floor area of less than 30m^2. If it comes under subsection 1
then it must be at least 1m from a boundary unless it is constructed of
non-combustible material. The person that I spoke to in the local
building control office thought that this was the case but couldn't
say what, if anything, then came under subsection 3. If that is the
case then as far as I can see subsection 3 is irrelevant. The guidance
notes from the ODPM are no more helpful.

Has anyone on this newsgroup come across this before or can anyone shed
[sic] any light on it? I would really prefer to place it near the
boundary, my neighbour has no objection, and would prefer not to have
to go for a metal storage solution.

Many Thanks,


Oh, and before anyone asks it is most definitely not intended to
shelter people from the effects of a nuclear attack, just store a
lawnmower and bikes.