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Old 01-06-2005, 10:06 PM
Michael Williams
Posts: n/a

The canopy spread is nowhere near the house but what will the situation be
like in 10 years time?
There is no preservation order. I don't know what type of oak it is. My
neighbour's house is a similar distance away and no other properties are
The tree is only about two meters from the boundary so it would affect the
(brick) wall and the pavement before affecting the house.
I would not tackle the felling myself. There should be enough room provided
it was removed in sections.
Thanks for the advice/suggestions everyone.


"Mike" wrote in message
As a rough guide, the spread of the canopy is equal to the spread of the
roots so you can judge for yourself.

Lots of other questions.

Is there a Tree Preservation Order on it?
What type of Oak is it? The different types have different growth habits?
Are there any pipes, drains or cable in the area which it might already
caused damage ? :-((

Are there other houses or buildings around which could be affected by the
root formation all ready?

How do you propose to fell it/chop it down? Is there room?

Would the local wood carvers/turners be interested in the wood? (I was in
charge of a project last year where a load of Holm Oaks with TPO's on them
had to be trimmed. The Woodturners Association were very pleased of a
telephone call I made to them ;-)))

Have you dug down near the house to see if any roots are there already?
my first house, a Poplar Tree in the garden at the bottom of mine, had
roots almost to my house,... 75ft!!)

Just a few things to ponder on ;-))


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"Michael Williams" wrote in message
I'm worried that the oak tree grown from an acorn planted by my son 30

ago may be too close to my house. It's now as tall as the house and it's

meters away. So I think I should take it down. My question is: would the
roots already have reached the house and might the removal of the tree

