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  #14   Report Post  
Old 01-06-2005, 06:52 AM
Posts: n/a

In reply to both of your queries:
The server, or rather the image hosting site I am using is called
imageshack (.us), and hosts images for free. Be that as it may, the
images you're trying to view are huge - I'm quite sorry about that,
however I always find it annoying when an image online isnt the size of
a poster, and I'd much rather change that than leave things the way
they are.

-Your load times will be SLOW, the images are nearly a megabyte in
size- (The fish, nearly two
years ago. Its been that long?)
As for additives... doh! what was I thinking.. I'll get right on that.
Water quality was so above-par on the second day of work, I didnt think
any more of it. Chisel away I will.

Your help is always appreciated.. and compensated for graciously by
many photos and bits of media content.