"George" wrote in message
You can buy an entire box of bioballs at any petshop for about $5. Why
anyone would want to use them for a garden pond is a mystery to me. I've
even removed them from my marine aquarium because they are a source of
unwanted nitrates. Better to have a natural biofilter that will absorb
these nutrients and that can be harvested, thus elminating those nutrients
from the pond altogether.
I use both plant and a filter to remove floating "crud" in the water. My
Tetra filters came with bio-blocks but I don't depend on them for
bio-filtration. When I hose off the blocks and filter pads I don't get an
ammonia spike so I know that bio-filtration is taking place in the ponds
themselves. My ponds are maximum capacity now and we need to remove some of
the fish again. I'm hoping to get that done before summer is over. It's
quite a job as the nets need to be removed (and new ones bought) and the
ponds drained down and cleaned..... :-( My least favorite pond activity.
Koi4Me... the frugal ponder...
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