-- "Garden puss" wrote in message
I was edging my lawn, and there was an insect/grub/something a couple of
inches under the soil that I turned up that I didn't recognise. Of
course, I am a complete novice gardener, so it may be something common!
But it wasn't in any of my (few!) gardening books, and I haven't found
anything on the net. Perhaps somebody could help me?
It was about an inch long, shiny conker-brown, rounded at one end, and
pointy cone-shaped (with distinct segments). The pointy end kept on
swivelling round as if looking for something or wanting to burrow back
down (but being on my trowel it had no luck).
So, what was it? And is it friend or foe?
Thanks in advance!
it is a chysalis of something. A moth of some kind perhaps?