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Old 31-05-2005, 06:15 PM
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Nick Maclaren wrote:

In article ,
"Bob Hobden" writes:
| But if Stan has bought his property in the last few decades then his
| property will be Registered Land and if he looks at his deeds, or gets a
| copy from the Land Registry, it will usually show on the plan who owns which
| fence.

Er, no. I have been indirectly involved in just such a dispute

| That said they do not show exact lines of fences so you cannot use their
| plans in fence position disputes egg our drive is curved and has been since
| the house (and Next-door) were built, the Land Certificate shows a straight
| line.

Depending on circumstances, there may be only a plan with a fairly
crude boundary. That is usually quite inadequate to show who owns
a fence - THAT information is more normally in the deeds or not
available. There seems to be no requirement on the precision of
the information that is registered, nor indeed that any information
is registered other than the boundary and the owner.

Nick Maclaren.

Though my boundaries are not clearly defined, especially on the South
side where they state "to water", and the water point varies, as it
dries out in the Summer!. However what is stated I must maintain stock
proof fencing on all boundaries. That I believe is common where the
property is surrounded by agricultural land.
I may be cynical, but perhaps the Renter does not pay rent, and does not
wish you to contact them as she is hoping to get squatters rights. What
possible reason could she have for not giving you the owners details?