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Old 31-05-2005, 06:12 PM
Victoria Clare
Posts: n/a

(Nick Maclaren) wrote in

In article ,
"Bob Hobden" writes:

| That said they do not show exact lines of fences so you cannot use
| their plans in fence position disputes egg our drive is curved and
| has been since the house (and Next-door) were built, the Land
| Certificate shows a straight line.

Depending on circumstances, there may be only a plan with a fairly
crude boundary. That is usually quite inadequate to show who owns
a fence - THAT information is more normally in the deeds or not
available. There seems to be no requirement on the precision of
the information that is registered, nor indeed that any information
is registered other than the boundary and the owner.

Our deeds show a border apparently drawn by a dying spider dipped in ink,
and certainly no fences or hedges. Our info on ownership and rights to our
drive, fences and hedges is largely based on common sense, hearsay, and
sometimes contradictory gossip. Some of our border is raised on Cornish
banks, and has contracted, slipped and moved about with the earth and

Luckily we get on well with our neighbours!

Down the road a bit is an area of land that for a long time had a sign on
it saying essentially:

'the council would rather like to stick a footpath here. Does anyone know
who it belongs to and if they are likely to complain if we do?'
