"BAC" wrote in message
"Chris Bacon" wrote in message
Stan The Man wrote:
3) The fact that the "fence struts and battens" are on your side
tends to indicate that the fence is yours, but is in no way proof.
Very true. Last year, one of my neighbours replaced the fence on the side
her garden furthest away from my property. Her contractor had installed a
couple of the panels in the customary orientation, i.e. with struts and
battens on the owner's (i.e. neighbour's) side, when she had a heated
discussion with him, ordering him to turn the panels round so the 'fair'
side faced into her garden. The contractor explained the convention, and
went on to point out I had followed it, so the fair side on the boundary
between our gardens faced onto her garden. "That's nothing to do with me,
more fool him," she said, insisting on having the fence pointing the
way round.
I'm going to have to replace some more of the fencing on 'her' border
soon -
you can guess which way round it's going to face ...
LOL ...I wonder if its possible to get really ugly battens?
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