Removing Council Owned Trees?
| Word your letter to the Council very carefully about you 'charging them'
| to have your car cleaned every week/fortnight if they do not keep their
| tree under control
The onus will be on you to prove the council are in the wrong.
and from overhanging your land. Remind them that you
| are quite within the law to prune any overhanging branches
Dont be so sure. I think its called 'Topping and lopping' and requires permission from (surprise) the local authority to do it
(since the great storm, any broadleaf tree must be respected and nurtured. I think it has more rights than a refugee).
and return
| the Prunings to them, ie dump them in the road.
That will probably result in being done by the council as well.
Give them 7 days to do| it
Their work is planned/contracted out, 7 days is probably insufficient for this.
and add that you will accept no responsibility if the tree dies or is
| effected in any way by your lawful action if you do have to do it
| yourself. Have the letter delivered by recorded delivery.
Thin ice, all the way here I think.
| Copy the letter to the Council Ombudsman and the Citizens Advice Bureaux
....and be embarrased when they ask for evidence of following the protocols for complaints.
I think your logic is great, but flawed throughout. Sorry.