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Old 28-09-2002, 03:52 PM
David J Clarke
Posts: n/a
Default Removing Council Owned Trees?

| Word your letter to the Council very carefully about you 'charging them'
| to have your car cleaned every week/fortnight if they do not keep their
| tree under control and from overhanging your land. Remind them that you
| are quite within the law to prune any overhanging branches and return
| the Prunings to them, ie dump them in the road. Give them 7 days to do
| it and add that you will accept no responsibility if the tree dies or is
| effected in any way by your lawful action if you do have to do it
| yourself. Have the letter delivered by recorded delivery.
| Copy the letter to the Council Ombudsman and the Citizens Advice Bureaux

Before going 'head to head' with the council in this way, wouldnt it make sense to simply phone or email them with a simple
complaint that the tree is causing a nuisance? I suggest this because

1) The council is there for all of us, and they police the environment regardless of whose property it is

2) I think its a more reasonable approach to begin with

3) They are very difficult to beat legally, having infinitely more resources than you do.

It is quite possible they dont yet know that their 'property' is causing you a problem, at least give them the benefit of sorting it
without all the treats of litigation.