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Old 28-09-2002, 03:39 PM
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Default Removing Council Owned Trees?

On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 14:16:19 +0100, Mike

In article vjhl9.751$Op4.96001@newsfep2-gui, Top Cat
I've got a very large Silver Birch tree just outside my boundary. It's on a
council owned verge, overhangs my property, and the sap makes a hell of the
mess of my car when parked on the driveway, it's a bloody nuisance!. Do you
think as if I asked the council they would be obliged to remove it and plant
something else more appropiate?

P.S. I'm a private householder.

Word your letter to the Council very carefully about you 'charging them'
to have your car cleaned every week/fortnight if they do not keep their
tree under control and from overhanging your land. Remind them that you
are quite within the law to prune any overhanging branches and return
the Prunings to them, ie dump them in the road. Give them 7 days to do
it and add that you will accept no responsibility if the tree dies or is
effected in any way by your lawful action if you do have to do it
yourself. Have the letter delivered by recorded delivery.

Copy the letter to the Council Ombudsman and the Citizens Advice Bureaux

And then following this 'advice' stand by to be sued by anyone who
trips over the trimmings you've dumped in the road or on the pavement,
who scratches their car on them, or who objects to you damaging that
beautiful tree which they own just as much as you do, being rate
payers etc. etc. ;-(
IOW, talk directly to the Council, don't take the advice of barrack
room lawyers.