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Old 28-09-2002, 01:39 PM
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Default Environmentally Friendly Weedkiller

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 19:28:19 +0100, "Democrat"

I did a search on Google for Sodium Chlorate and it seems that it is a
pretty nasty poison. There was a story about a gardener that was killed
using it because the wind blew it back in his face and he inhaled it.

Indeed it *can* be very nasty if mis-used (like everything - even
water). Sodium chlorate can be used to make some pretty effective
explosive devices too - it is 'simply' an oxidising agent - (as can
relatively simple chemicals like saltpetre, sulphur and potash, to name
but three).

However, I would still argue that - properly used - Sodium chlorate is
an environmentally friendly weed killer - compared to paraquat,
glyphosate etc etc (well, obviously not *that* friendly to the
immediate environment of the weeds it's aimed to kill, but you know what
I mean).