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Old 28-09-2002, 10:08 AM
Jane Ransom
Posts: n/a
Default Skimmia Reevesiana

In article , Tony tony-
I have a Skimmia Reevesiana in a container in ericaceous soil. When I bought
the plant
last year its leaves were a nice dark green. But now the leaves are pale green
and have
lots of tiny spotted markings on them. I've used an anti-fungus spray, but it
hasn't made
any difference. I can't see any insect infestation. The plant has just
produce its flowers, so it's doing okay other than the leaf colour/markings.

What's causing the leaves to lose their colour and shine, and what can I do?

It is either hungry or having its roots attacked by something. Turn it
out of its pot to check the roots are not being attacked and if not
repot it in fresh ericaceous compost. Next year feed it fairly regularly
with something like Miracid.
Jane Ransom in Lancaster.
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