herbs in winter
"Susan Heath" pushed briefly to
the front of the queue on Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:29:45 +0100, and nailed
this to the shed door:
^ I've an ever-expanding collection of herbs and aromatic plants on my
^ allotment (on the Sussex coast) and I'm wondering what, if any, protection
^ to provide in the winter. Probably long periods of rain would do more damage
^ than the cold. I've come across various ideas but I'm hoping you can pass on
^ the wisdom of your own experience. Many thanks,
Aha! Saves me starting a new thread (urs habits die hard). Sorry, no
answers, just a desire to share any you come up with. I have a
recently-but-rapidly-expanding (4, from 0) collection of herbs on my
patio. I bought them a few weeks ago at a reduced price from Rosemount
Gardens, who seemed to be clearing a large overstock/underdemand. They
were in tiny little pots and looked a bit sorry for themselves, so I
repotted them and applied a little TLC, and until a few days ago they
were flourishing.
Now, three of them look as though they have been frostbitten or
waterstarved - majority of foliage all limp - except that we haven't
had any frost, and I have been watering them regularly. One is pot
marjoram, one is double chamomile, and one is anonymous (I lost the
nametag and I can't remember what it is; doh). Only the lovage seems
unscathed, so far.
Any ideas what's up? I thought herbs were hardy (I have been trying to
decide whether to leave them in pots or plant them out somewhere, but
maybe I won't have the choice). Do I need to bring them in over the
winter, or maybe at night? Or will they perennate and re-emerge full
of the joys of spring?
sparge at globalnet point co point uk
He who is not confused
is not in possession of all the facts.
Origin uncertain