The message
from "Spider" contains these words:
Banana spiders are definitely venomous.
There's no such thing as a 'banana spider'
Some venomous spiders used to get into the hold amongst hands of
bananas, but the ones put in deliberately were not venomous.
Pity you couldn't keep one, though;
they make great pets. I kept a few myself for 22 years - without incident.
They're brilliant. Of course you do have to be very responsible.
It was kind of your potential benefactor to offer you a side of beef, but
they don't make such good pets. They tend to smell after a while! :~))
Well, if I knew what i know now, I'd have made an aquarium for it and
pickled it in formaldehyde, and made a fortune as an avant-avant-garde
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.