jerry wrote in
We have a garden with an electricfied fence that has four strands of
wire up to four feet. Recently we visited a neighor who has a garden
like ours but only has a deer fence that is 8" inches high. They
indicate at this hiegh it will stop rabbits and deer. Does this make
sense? I have seen deer jump our fence so don't know if height is
really an issue?
Yes, miniature deer.
Recently Brookside Gardens in Maryland spent an astronimical amount of
money (millions of dollars) to build an 8-9' tall un-electrified deer fence
around the entire property. "Although an eight foot tall fence was erected
around the park to protect the horticultural plantings, the deer brazenly
walked through the driveway entrance gate in broad daylight. A cattle-guard
was added at the gate to reduce the infiltration. Being surrounded by
trees, which occasionally drop branches which breech the fence, the fence
is still inadequate to protect the plantings. (The deer have also mastered
the cattle guard.) As of January 20, 1999, Brookside was attempting to
negotiate the political hurdles of selectively shooting their pest deer."
David J. Bockman, Fairfax, VA (USDA Hardiness Zone 7)