Kay wrote:
:: In article , Phil
:: L writes
::: Kay wrote:
::::: I can, but I couldn't find your post. there was one headed
::::: 'bugs' but it was someone else and entirely different bugs, and
::::: all the rest were flower pics. I've only picked up the last
::::: three days - was it before then?
::: No it's timed at 20:33 today and titled 'strange bugs'...although
::: now that I come to think of it, my (binary) server has a 2 - 3
::: hour lag, it should propogate to other servers soon...
:: Got it now.
:: Top pic looks like scale insect, bottom pic doesn't, but the focus
:: isn't good. I can't see them in the middle pic.
:: Is the shrub an Eleagnus?
I've no idea, I've just had a quick look at eleagnus on google and they look
/similar/ although these are over ten years old and are still only about a
foot and half tall....I suppose I'll have to pick each scale insect off and
then spray with something? - soapy water?
If God had intended us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs.