The message
from J Jackson contains these words:
Bowser wrote:
: Thanks Mike & Kay, this is (for me) an unusual set up for a forum, I
: remember the 'old days'! of usenet but everything seems to be UB
: nowadays!
: Thanks for the advice, the corner is indeed shaded by a fence.
: I really like the idea of Blackberry....I think I'll try that, do some
: reading first though.
Morello cherries are often recommended for growing against a north facing
wall, so may cope with the shade ok. Ditto for redcurrants/whitecurrants
Though I have no persoanl experience of the veracity of this advice.
Gooseberries (being denizens of the sub-hedgerow environment) will also
grow in the shade, but prefer a bit of sun. You'll need to net the
morellos if you grow a tree - the blackbirds will have them, otherwise.
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.